New Year Outfit

2 more days left to New year Eve!!

Last Year, I was in Madrid Spain for the NYE.

My friend and I celebrated NYE with huge crowd, basically, bunch of strangers.

Everybody dressed up with wigs, hat, masks and was almost like a big Halloween!

We took more photos, but my camera was stolen :(

We had such a blast and got drunk way too much and danced with bunch of local strangers...

Then, it was too late when I found out my camera was stolen!!!

So I only have pics from my friend's camera.

DON'T TRUST STRANGERS ( when you are drunk ) ok, lesson learned.

So, this NYE, I m in Phoenix AZ... What to put on??? Haven't just decided yet!!

Let me go Etsy and type " New year Mask " and Woaaaaa!!

What a beautiful mask, right? Made by Mellisa

Another beautiful feather mask by darkponydesigns

It's too late to purchase now, but hope I can put together something fun for NYE!!